Reduce by 20% the time spent on program management
Reduce your travelling by 2
Action plans have a 30% higher success rate
Drastically reduce email exchanges by 30% or more
Discover it now for free!
Whether your project is to develop new strategies, marketing campaigns, quality or change processes; improve your time management and the communication and collaboration with your customers, are key factors.
Advanseez helps consultants and freelancers to organize their work in a dedicated space for action plans. Our tools allow to develop and implement effective action plans for managing different projects, following the progress for each task, action and objective.
With Advanseez consultants can organize the information to define their strategies and objectives. Our strategic planning tool allows to visualize the possible solutions in order to prioritize and make better decisions on which strategies to implement and execute to develop a project or solve a problem.
Advanseez is a simple online tool that supports consultants to improve their business decision making process, allowing to centralize in one place all the necessary information in order to to make better and strategic business decisions. Organize, analyze and prioritize the information in collaboration or individually, to decide the strategies to develop and the objectives to achieve for an specific project.
Advanseez is a simple online project management and collaboration tool that allows consultants to manage their different projects and invite clients and partners to collaborate. Our solution offers better and easy time management to improve productivity during the implementation of a strategic plan, assigning tasks to a project team members and following their progress to achieve the objectives.
This website is published by: CPH Développement, SAS au capital de 110 000 €, SIRET 533 732 889 00027, immatriculé au RCS de Rennes sous le numéro B 533 732 889.
Publication director is Christophe Hervé, he is reachable by email at or by mail:
CPH Développement
Espace Performance Alphasis
Bat. C1-C2
35769 Saint-Grégoire cedex France
Hosting provided by : Ikoula
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