Founder of the online reputation consulting firm Interwoven, which missions are to highlight online present content, to create a new one and to remove every negative information from the Internet. Specialist in Social Media, Marc Nevoux deals with Personal Branding, web editing and media relations. Interwoven offers a personalized support for people who wish to optimize their image on the Internet.
Founder of the Communication and Management Consulting firm BKonseil, has a lifelong interest in cultural diversity and human behavior. After a 20 years carrier in a multinational company in sales and project management she became social and organizational psychologist. She helps to ease transitions and proposes training sessions to improve personal and professional skills.
Armelle Challe founder and associate director Agence Web Expressions has gained a wealth of experience in international marketing, offering marketing, and wide web project management, within a multinational services company. Armelle has developped a genuine pragmatic approach to the fundings of both marketing and web. She has opend up to Digital with a transversal vision and a New Business scope.
Recruiter since 15 years, consultant trainer, EMBA, François-Paul CROSNIER, helps you to perform change process: By action training, you’ll get your strategies, projects and actions plans. Focusing on your objective, he shows you how to deal with an alternative and very productive kind of relationship with the enlarged enterprise actors. Everyone learns to be «the right man to the right place».
After 15 years working as a Marketing manager for large companies and French start-ups with worldwide business activities, Estelle founded COMENSO: a Marketing Consulting company. From marketing strategy to operational implementation of their communication projects, COMENSO assists small businesses in their development, in France and abroad.
What are the most attractive markets for our company? How to adapt our business model? How can we build and execute our strategic plan? How to follow a roadmap while remaining agile? What is the most suitable Go-To-Market strategy? How to elaborate a plan to nurture and convert my leads? Expert on digital products for B2B, I work collaboratively with business leaders on these key questions.
Benoit Lalande, owner and founder of his management consulting firm, is involved in distribution activities: change management, customer experience, training and network development. His experience with various automakers makes him an expert consultant in the deployment of brand strategy and organizations.
Founder and CEO of 23eme Homme communication agency. Graduate from Grenoble EM (Grenoble Business School) Richard Zuber has a multicultural experience ranging from SME’s to Multinationals in operational management functions.He attended Skema (Lille Business School) Direct Marketing & Ecommerce Master degree in 2005. Passionate about strategy and marketing, with a strong touch of customer experience and digital.
A seasoned executive with 25 years experience in general management and marketing, Éric supports companies in their development and digital transformation plans. His fields of expertise include general and change management, reengineering of organizations, communication and marketing strategies. He proposes to managers customized solutions and work with independant consultants and innovative collaborative tools.
Jean-Baptiste is a freelance consultant in supply chain (purchasing, procurement, logistics…). After an engineering diploma, he worked during 10 years in different areas (Carrefour, Smartbox, Sanofi…) before launching MY SUPPLY, dedicated to small and medium companies. He uses Advanseez as a decision-process and project management tool.
Founder-consultant of Stradevorg and graduate from CNAM in finance-management-strategy, Frank served 15 years as manager of complex projects (IT-finance, acquisition, merger, ...), leading role, and member of executive committee of group’s companies and associations. He became an expert on transitions to help you improve your operational performance and structure your development projects.
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