Advanseez is a collaborative web application to make decisions and implement them into an action plan. Its purpose is to help, with a result-oriented mindset, to gain time and be more efficient especially in the conduct of cross-functional projects.
Knowledge worker, the worker of the XXIst century
Years have seen us evolving from a merchant capitalism, to an industrial capitalism, to a cognitive capitalism. The knowledge economy is born, creating at the same time, a new type of worker, the “knowledge worker.”
Whether you are entrepreneur, executive, manager, internal or external consultant, in charge of cross-functionnal projects, we often have to imagine and share, as a team, solutions and circumstances to implement a project.
Stakeholders have different professions, are not experts in project management or IT, but nevertheless have decisions to make together and must implement them into action. But means do not fit!
Means that do not fit!
- 30% of knowledge worker’s time is spent on searching for information. (Butler Group)
- Only 44% of users in businesses, find information they are looking for, against 86% of internet users. (Forrester)
- Managers spend 2h/day to seek information. 50% of what they find is useless. (Accenture)
- For a team of 5 people, the cost of the estimated time spent in decision-making is $ 30,000 / year.
- 30-50% of the time of the manager is devoted to exchange documents. (Cegos Observatory)
- The number of meetings increases. It is more and more difficult to gather stakeholders.
The lack of coordination, collaboration and sometimes dialogue, are often the cause of failure of the decisions in their implementation.
Advanseez, a 2-in-1 response for teamwork
Advanseez is a two-in-one product, the two parts being both interconnected and independent :
The “DECISION” section, to structure and formalize the decision making in a collaborative mode. The user follows a workflow, a sequence of steps, to build its objectives as a team.
Advanseez facilitates collaborative decision-making and provides the ability to:
- Plan issues and make decisions
- Centralize information for decision making
- Imagine new solutions as a team
- And save time in editing reports
The “ACTION” section, to share action plans. User defined objectives which have to serve the project. To achieve them, the user imagine the actions and tasks.
Advanseez also facilitates the implementation and monitoring of action plans and offers the opportunity to:
- Formalize and structure action plans
- Imagine new solutions as a team
- Divide teamwork and succeed together
- Control action plans and achieve their objectives
I am studying in the field of community development. Is Advanseez for businesses or would I be able to implement its strategy in my studies?
Hi Desiree,
Indeed, you can use Advanseez for your studies.
Advanseez allows you to define your strategy in the DECISION part.
With the ACTION part you can also design and pilot your projects / action plans.
The Advanseez’ Free Plan allows you to invite 2 other people to collaborate. With this Free Plan you can create 2 Strategic Plans and 2 action plans at the same time.